Asset Monitoring
Why install a separate system to monitor your assets? A variety of interface options are available to pick up the statuses of equipment that needs monitoring.
For example, a simple KNX binary input device can be installed to detect via volt free contacts whether the escalator is running, tripped, in maintenance mode
or under emergency stop.
A more complex example might be a RS232 Modbus interface to a Static Inverter that can provide real time feedback of Battery Current, Battery Voltage, Output Current,
Output Voltage, Frequency and any alarms.
- Support for volt free interfaces up to 100m from KNX input device with rising or falling edge detection and configurable delays
- Analogue (0-10V, 4-20mA, etc) KNX interfaces available
- Serial (RS232, RS485) communication
- The status of all points can be passed on to other systems (e.g. BMS) via a single central interface (e.g. Bacnet or OPC)
- Use existing KNX network to pick up assets to be monitored
- Cost per point very low